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What is kabu light box and rab light box?


Light box has become the main advertising carrier of brand promotion, Kabu light box and Raab light box is to break through the limitations of traditional light box panel size, become the first choice of large-format light box.

So, what are kabu and rab light boxes? What are the connections and differences between them?

Kapu light box, also known as soft film light box, usually use PVC soft film UV printing screen, high accuracy, good effect.

When making, the soft film around the sewn tape card into the groove of the outer frame of the light box can complete the installation of the picture, compared with the rab light box, installation and disassembly for the picture is more convenient.

The rab light box adopts a unique four-sided open cover and track sliding hook design, usually divided into two kinds of frame and frameless, frameless visual area is larger, looks more beautiful.

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